To use all of PriceCheck’s features, you’ll need an account. Sign up to create an account or log in to your existing account. ProfileSet your Profile Details and Notifications to receive relevant communication from us. Shop Reviews: To leave a review on your experience with a shop, click on the shop’s logo to go to the Shop’s page, or […]
All posts by PriceCheck
PriceCheck Daily Deals Update
All merchants listed on the PriceCheck platform have access to utilize our Daily Deals page. What is a Daily Deals XML Feed? A Daily Deals feed (although similar) is different from your CPC feed as it needs to include a timestamp. In order to list with Daily Deals, you need to create a brand new […]
Building an Effective XML Feed
To be listed on PriceCheck and have your products searchable and found, you will need to supply us with some data by creating an effective XML Feed URL built to our specification. Building an effective feed affects the richness of the content which is uploaded/imported to the various sales channels(PriceCheck etc). Below is a list […]
Importance of Titles on PriceCheck and other search engines
To run an effective campaign on PriceCheck is more than just having great prices and images. The idea is to give the prospective customer all the information needed in order for them to make the purchase before having to click through to your website, and that is your title. Below are a number of ways […]